Creative Campus - 2023

Posted on January 02, 2023 at 10:50 PM

Creative Campus - 23

Lead Artist: Lauryn McNamee
Curator: Sharon Devlin
Project Assistant: Jennifer Webster
Artist Sailí Áine Ní Mhurchú

Creative Campus '23 programme is delighted to be based in the DoubleTAKE Studio in Rua Red.

DoubleTAKE Supported Arts Studio is a professional artist’s studio dedicated to enabling people living with a disability to meet and integrate with other artists. The studio is home to 100 plus artist members. The studio is staffed by three professional artists.

The tapestry of social inclusion for people who live with a disability is marred by barriers. Attitudinal is one of the most prevalent and damaging.

Personal barriers are some of the most difficult to overcome.

Lack of self-confidence, fear, judgment, confined choices, and voices.

How can we blur some of these barriers to enable us to create and collaborate with freedom, autonomy, and joy?

Creative Campus ‘23 will examine this question and work collaboratively with artists and creatives of all abilities to find a way to blur some of these barriers.

We are delighted to welcome NCAD graduate artist Lauryn McNamee as Lead Artist.

Creative Campus team will work with two local secondary schools on this year's project. We look forward to sharing our discoveries in the coming weeks and months.

Follow our journey on social media:


